Effective communication is a crucial skill in both personal and professional life. Whether you’re giving a presentation, having a conversation with a friend, or crafting a marketing message, the way you communicate can greatly impact the outcome. To ensure your message hits the mark, it’s essential to ask yourself three fundamental questions before you communicate.

What Do I Want Them to Know?

One of the primary objectives of communication is to convey information. Before you start speaking or writing, take a moment to clarify what specific information or message you want your audience to take away. It might be a fact, a story, a statistic, or a concept. Having a clear understanding of what you want them to know is the foundation of effective communication.

For example, when we look at how Jesus Christ used this question, we see that in his parables and teachings, he aimed to convey profound spiritual truths. In the Parable of the Sower (Matthew 13:3-23), Jesus conveys the importance of receptive hearts to receive the word of God.

What Do I Want Them to Feel?

While information is essential, emotions also play a significant role in communication. People are more likely to remember and connect with your message if it evokes emotions. Before you communicate, ask yourself what emotional response you want to trigger. Do you want your audience to feel inspired, motivated, concerned, or excited?

Jesus Christ often aimed to elicit deep emotions through his teachings. For instance, his Sermon on the Mount (Matthew 5:3-12) was intended to touch the hearts of his followers, evoking feelings of humility, mercy, and a hunger for righteousness.

What Do I Want Them to Do?

Ultimately, most forms of communication are intended to inspire some form of action. Whether it’s a call to action in marketing, a decision in a business meeting, or a change in behavior, you need to be clear about what you want your audience to do as a result of your communication.

In the context of Jesus Christ’s teachings, his aim was to transform lives and inspire actions that aligned with God’s will. Whether he was calling for repentance (Mark 1:15), forgiveness (Matthew 18:21-22), or acts of love and service (John 13:34-35), he had a clear vision of what he wanted his followers to do.

Asking these three questions before you communicate – What do I want them to know, feel, and do? – can significantly enhance the effectiveness of your message. Learning from Jesus Christ’s communication, we see that his teachings often aimed to convey profound truths, evoke deep emotions, and inspire transformative actions.

Effective communication is not just about the words you use; it’s about the impact your words have on those you’re communicating with, just as Jesus’ teachings continue to impact and inspire people today.

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