I’ve learned many things from Pastor Lee Grady. Hearing him tell about the things God had spoken to him inspired my imagination.

Being in the company of individuals who discuss vision ignites your capacity to dream ambitiously. Many individuals tend to have limited aspirations, aiming for nothing and consistently hitting that mark. They unintentionally confine the potential of God within their lives. Instead, we ought to set our sight on the vast expanse of the stars, because even if we fall short, we may still reach the moon!

If you have a need, go to the Word. Find the answer to your need. Take those scriptures and meditate on them. The Bible says in 1 Peter 1:23 that we are “born again, not of corruptible seed, but of incorruptible, by the word of God, which liveth and abideth forever.” The Word is a seed. Plant that seed in your spiritual womb- your imagination-until you can see it germinate. It will only be a matter of time until you see the birth!