During my study and prayer, I stumbled upon a profound revelation regarding the Hebrew word “chayil” and its connection to women. This revelation came as I dived deep into the familiar passage from Proverbs 31:10–31, which is often cited in church.

What I discovered was truly enlightening. In verse 10, the word “virtuous” used to describe the woman is translated from the Hebrew word “chayil.” Interestingly, this word is typically associated with men, representing strength, wealth, and military prowess. I had recently completed an in-depth study on the concept of might, exploring every scriptural reference to the word.

Within the book of Proverbs, two verses employ this word. The first is Proverbs 12:4, which states, “A virtuous woman is a crown to her husband, but she that maketh ashamed is rottenness in his bones.” The second reference is the previously mentioned Proverbs 31:10, which reads, “Who can find a virtuous woman? for her price is far above rubies.”

Throughout my life, I have nurtured a deep desire to empower, uplift, and support women in their ministries and daily lives. Over the years, I have witnessed my own wife and spiritual daughters accomplishing great things and venturing into areas of ministry that I never had the opportunity to explore. Their successes in the kingdom of God fill me with immense joy and satisfaction.

I also pray that if you are woman of God reading this article it will encourage you to step into all that God has prepared for you in this season with power, strength and might.