Barriers Caused by an Unbiblical View of Work and Ministry


Sacred/Secular Divide:

One major barrier is the perception of a divide between the sacred and secular realms of life. This view separates work and professional life from spiritual matters and ministry, considering certain activities and professions as more “holy” or significant than others. This compartmentalization can lead to a limited understanding of the potential impact Christians can have in their workplaces and various secular spheres.

Equality in Calling:

An unbiblical view may lead to a hierarchy of callings, considering full-time ministry positions as more important or spiritual than other vocations. This undermines the biblical truth that all believers are called to serve God in their respective contexts, whether they are in traditional ministry roles or working in secular fields.

Defining Ministry:

Narrowly defining ministry as limited to formal religious activities or roles within the church can restrict the opportunities for Christians to be agents of positive change and influence in their communities and workplaces. This limited perspective neglects the significance of everyday acts of service and living out one’s faith in all areas of life.

Local Church as Equipper:

An unbiblical view might overburden the local church with the sole responsibility of equipping believers for ministry, resulting in a passive congregation that looks to church leaders for all aspects of spiritual growth. This approach can hinder individuals from taking personal responsibility for their faith and involvement in impacting the world around them.


Wrong Assumptions Regarding Cultural Change


Religious Mountain –  Focused  

Some Christians have held the assumption that cultural change can primarily be achieved through conferences and events focused solely on the “religious mountain,” emphasizing prayer, spiritual warfare, and evangelism. While these activities are essential, neglecting other spheres of influence can limit the comprehensive impact of Christianity in society.

Limited Engagement with Secular Spheres:

Overemphasis on religious mountain-focused approaches may lead to a lack of engagement with other important aspects of society, such as education, media, government, and business. Neglecting these spheres may result in a reduced Christian influence in shaping broader cultural norms and values.

An unbiblical view of work and ministry can significantly impact the effectiveness of Christian influence in society. The barriers caused by the sacred/secular divide, inequality in calling, limited definitions of ministry, and an overburdened local church can hinder Christians from fully engaging in shaping culture and positively impacting the world. Additionally, wrong assumptions regarding cultural change, focusing solely on the “religious mountain,” can limit the comprehensive influence of Christianity. To restore a more biblical perspective, Christians must recognize the importance of their callings in all areas of life, actively engage in their workplaces and communities, and embrace a holistic approach to cultural transformation that encompasses all spheres of influence. By doing so, they can effectively fulfill their role as salt and light in a world that needs the transformative power of the Gospel.