Your Life is a Masterpiece





Welcome to the hub of visionary leadership and global impact, guided by Mich. At the helm of an apostolic network and a strategic alliance, Mich leads visionary leaders both nationally and worldwide. Known for his strong apostolic leadership and prophetic anointing, Mich is fervently dedicated to fostering national transformation and empowering the next generation.

Hi There!

This is a PRAYER for you!


May you PROSPER beyond your wildest imagination!


May the Lord give you POWER to create wealth!


I decree and declare long life; You shall not die before your time.


The Lord shall cause you to inherit YOUR Promised Land!


Latest Publications

Women in Ministry ( Part 3 )

Women in Ministry ( Part 3 )

One question I frequently encounter is regarding the involvement of women in prophetic ministry. Can women fulfill the role of a prophet? The answer is a resounding yes. Women are fully capable of functioning in the office of a prophet and as prophetic believers. It...

Women In Ministry ( Part 2 )

Women In Ministry ( Part 2 )

In our society, it is not uncommon to recognize and acknowledge the strength of women. We have encountered numerous strong women throughout our lives. Our mothers, for instance, have exhibited strength in various aspects, be it in their character, spiritual depth,...

Women in Ministry ( Part 1 )

Women in Ministry ( Part 1 )

During my study and prayer, I stumbled upon a profound revelation regarding the Hebrew word "chayil" and its connection to women. This revelation came as I dived deep into the familiar passage from Proverbs 31:10–31, which is often cited in church. What I discovered...


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